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Holistic Cancer Counselling

2 in 5 Canadians are expected to develop cancer in their lifetime....


What if you have more control over cancer than you have


been led to believe?

A cancer cell differentiates itself from a normal cell because it has lost the ability to turn itself off. It displays unregulated growth, and has stopped listening to the order and intelligence of the body. It is a mutated cell, and something has altered that cell.


As the above statements are true, we must also realize that there is a complex environment that contributes to the growth of cancer. To truly understand it, we need to understand that cancer cannot exist in isolation - it exists and grows in the environment that we know as 'our bodies'. Everything we do to our bodies can have a positive or negative effect on the 'terrain', or extracellular matrix, of our bodies and the growth of cancer.  


The transition from cell respiration to glucose fermentation that leads to a growing tumour can arise from any number of risk factors such as cancerous viruses, systemic inflammation, environmental carcinogens or rare inherited mutations. However, it is primarily our diet and lifestyle choices that put us at risk for triggering the development of cancer. 


Our bodies have all the information they need to prevent cancer - and have been doing so our whole lives - but somewhere along the way, our bodies get overwhelmed. That is why knowing how to restore the body's ability to defend itself is a central theme in holistic cancer care, whether used in prevention or used in advanced stages of the disease.  


Cancer is not a simple disease. In fact, it's not even a single disease, but rather a collection of over 100 diseases, each with mitochondrial disfunction at the center. All cancer cells have lost their aerobic capabilities, and use fermentation to generate energy. This defect is seen in all cancers. If mitochondria failure leads to cancer, what causes the mitochondria to fail? ... viruses, bacteria, toxins, radiation, genetic mutations? Add this to the fact that everyone's body is different, meaning that no two people have the same toxin exposure, immune system, microbiome, terrain.


Through diet, lifestyle and thoughts, we all have the ability to influence our gene expression and mitochondrial function. Now more then ever it is critical to understand that cancer is about the way our bodies and mind interact with our environments. Elements of modern living: over-consumption of sugar, GMO-foods, pesticides, antibiotics, processed foods, radiation, alcohol, stress, sedentary lifestyles and more, contribute to our own individual disharmony and an imbalanced terrain. My objective is to help you minimize the damage from these elements.


Conventional cancer treatment takes all the power away from the individual. Take charge of your body, mind and spirit system, and start asking deeper questions: are you giving your body the food medicine that is right for you at this particular time? Do you have emotional symptoms that are trying to tell you something? What changes can you make to reduce stress and increase joy? What changes can you make to bring your body fully back to balance? 






Sessions include and are not limited to:

  • Therapeutic nutrition and nutritional fasting* 

      - using proven specific phytonutrients that show action against cancer​

  • Bioanalysis of pathogenic activity in the body

       - detoxification of relevant viruses, bacteria, parasites, yeast and mold​

  • Bioanalysis of chemical toxicity in the body

       - detoxification of toxic chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals and radiation

  • Establishing hormone balance

  • Establishing blood sugar balance

  • Immune system maximization

  • Rebalancing and repopulating microbiome

  • Reducing inflammation and oxidative stress

  • Inhibiting angiogenesis and metastasis

  • Recalibrating stress levels and enhancing emotional wellbeing


*Each client is assessed for food allergies and tolerance for fasting. 









Cancer doesn't just happen to you, and it's not just bad luck. Some element within you is not in harmony. 









Contact Me

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Irene Piotrowicz

15 Esplanade Lane

Grimsby, ON

L3M 0H2

416 821 7551

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